OA Highlights

To keep members better informed, we’re introducing this new feature to provide an update on our various activities. Like all of you, we’ve been busy these last few months – here are some of the highlights:
OA Object 1: Support and promote an effective system of complaint handling and redress in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Britain’s Crown Dependencies and Britain’s Overseas Territories.
- UK Armed Forces Commissioner – The OA Chair has written to the UK Minister for the Armed Forces, the Defence Committee, and to the frontbench spokespersons for the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, to raise concerns regarding the decision to name SCOAF’s successor body ‘Commissioner’ rather than ‘Ombudsman’.
- Jersey Public Services Ombudsperson – The Chair and the CEX gave a private briefing to the Jersey Public Accounts Committee, to inform their ‘Handling and Learning from Customer Feedback and Complaints Review’,and responded to the Jersey Law Commission’s report. The final proposals from the Jersey Government’s ‘review’ on an independent complaints function is due to be presented to the Chief Minister by July 2025.
- Engagement with Westminster MPs – The CEX met with the Head of Engagement at the House of Commons Library to discuss engagement with Westminster MPs and their staff. The OA has been invited to present at one of the monthly ‘MP Staff Casework Forums’ to explain the ombudsman landscape.
- UK dispute resolution policy - The CEX and the Chair of the Policy Network met with the new Head of Dispute Resolution Policy at the UK Ministry of Justice. Whilst the new Government’s thinking and policy in this area is still being formed the meeting provided the opportunity to reiterate the role of ombudsman schemes in the justice landscape
- Gambling Ombudsman - The CEX met with the lead official at the UK Department of Culture, Media & Sport to discuss the new Government’s position / plans in relation establishing a Gambling Ombudsman.
Object 2: Encourage, develop and protect the role of an ombudsman in both the public and private sectors as the ‘best practice’ model for resolving complaints, according recognition through membership.
- Re-validation programme - The Validation Committee remain focused on the Re-validation programme. Further information can be found in the OA Community: 2024 Re-validation Resources | Ombudsman Association
- Ombuds Day, 10 October - Several activities were undertaken on Ombuds Day to promote the sector including the publication of the Guide to Ombudsman Offices in the UK
- Ombudsman Association AGM - As has become the tradition, the OA’s AGM took place in October and we published our Annual Report on the same day.
Object 3: Provide an authoritative voice and promote best practice and policy for those involved in complaint handling and redress to ensure an effective service for the public.
- That OA Thing – podcast - The OA has now published four episodes as part of Season 2 of the podcast series. Recent episodes include an insightful conversation with Catherine Evans O’Brien, Head of Communities at the ICO, and an engaging discussion with the 2024 OCA Winner, Mariette Hughes. All episodes are available to listen to on Spotify and YouTube.
- ANZOA - Engagement with ANZOA (The Australian & New Zealand Ombudsman Association) has continued, with the CEX meeting again with Janine Young, the Secretary & Treasurer (and also the Energy & Water Ombudsman for New South Wales), to discuss the similar challenges faced by members of the OA and ANZOA.
- Engagement with members - The CEX has had various meetings with members regarding developments in their sectors. In November, the Chair and the CEX attended an event in Dublin celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Office of the Ombudsman.
- OA Networks – Click here for a short summary of recent Network activities and updates. Detailed information on all the Networks can be found in the OA Community.
Upcoming activities:
- 29 November: CEX attending Civil Justice Council National Forum, London
- 3 December: OA Board meeting, London
- 5 December: CEX presenting at Citizens Advice ‘Financial Capability Network’ on the Ombudsman landscape, online
- 5-6 December: CEX attending the EU Consumer ADR Conference, Leuven, Belgium
- January / February: Briefing for Westminster Civil Servants on Ombudsman landscape, online
- January / February: CEX appearing on Consumer Friend Podcast, online
- 12 February: CEX presenting at Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman staff event, online
- TBC: CEX presenting at Consumer Empowerment Alliance (CEA) coffee morning, online
- TBC: CEX presenting at Westminster MP staff ‘Casework Forum’, online