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The focus of the conference this year is on ‘Strength through diversity’.  Alongside sessions on harnessing diversity in terms of gender, race, and neurodiversity, speakers will also explore the importance of ‘belonging’ and the impact that has on staff burnout.

Further sessions on the future of work, supporting staff, and recruiting the right people will enable members to share their experiences of dealing with the challenges faced in the past year and to look ahead to recovery.

We hope you’ll be able to join us to discuss these crucial issues.

A copy of the programme is available to download below.


Instructions, how to use video and update your profile.

Welcome from the Chief Executive & Opening Address from the Chair

Charlotte Valeur (founder of Global Governance Group and former Chair of the Institute of Directors), on the value of cognitive diversity / neurodiversity to break out of ‘group think’ and echo chambers. 

Elizabeth Linos (University of California, Berkeley), on how 'belonging' can reduce burnout on the front line.

Coffee Roulette (x2 sessions of 8 mins; random 5 people matched)


1. Recruiting the right people

Workshop exploring what members are doing to ensure diverse recruitment, including anonymous sifting, skills-based recruitment, and reporting diversity demographics.

2. Harnessing diversity

Presentations on work members are doing to harness diversity including reverse mentoring, Inclusive Leadership programme, Employee Networks.

3. Future of work

 Presentations on the cultural shift from 'office first', the move to blended working, and recruiting and training staff remotely.

Coffee Roulette (x2 sessions of 8 mins; random 5 people matched)

  1. OA Mentoring Scheme
  2. OA Community and Networks
  3. How OIA have incorporated 'kindness' into their work
  4. Policy Network's 'Signposting' project

Take a break and grab yourself some lunch!


1. Supporting Staff

How can members ensure staff are supported and protected both in and outside the office.

2. Reaching the excluded

What members are doing to engage with communities that often find it difficult to make their voices heard.

3. Review of OA Membership Criteria

Workshop to explore what issues should be taken into account when the review of the OA's membership criteria is undertaken later in the year.

Coffee Roulette (x1 session of 8 mins; random 5 people matched)

Live Q&A with Charlotte & Elizabeth reflecting on improving and harnessing diversity.

Closing Address from the Chair & Chief Executive

Venue information

 The 2021 OA Conference will be held virtually in partnership with Dellar Davies Ltd.

Dellar Davies Logo


Member Delegate Fee - £249 + VAT

Non-Member Delegate Fee - £299 + VAT

See Tickets below for information about multiple delegate discounts.


There will be a discount for members registering multiple delegates as follows:

Register more than 5 delegates and receive a 50% discount on one registration.

Register 9 delegates and receive a 10th delegate place for FREE.

Please register all delegates individually and contact Maz Morgan via email on to advise of the number and names of the delegates.  One invoice will then be issued taking account of the appropriate discount. 
